49. Kongres Evropskog udruženja pedijatrijskih endokrinologa - ESPE (European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology) održan je u Pragu, septembra 22.-26. 2010. godine.
Kongresu je prisustvovalo oko 3000 lekara iz 92 zemlje sveta. Iz Srbije je šest pedijatra prisustvovalo kongresu.
49th Annual ESPE Meeting
22–25 September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
The 49th ESPE Annual Meeting
Prague, Czech Republic,
22–25 September 2010
Please visit the website for further
information: www.espe2010.org
The 50th ESPE Annual Meeting
Glasgow, Scotland,
25–28 September 2011
Please visit the ESPE website for details
about future meetings: www.eurospe.org
Abstrakti sa kongresa dostupni su u suplementu HORMONE RESEARCH IN PÆDIATRICS.
EPSE members can read the full editorial at the journal’s website: www. karger.com/hrp.
Hormone Research in Paediatrics is the official journal of the European Society for
Paediatric Endocrinology. www.espe2010.org
49th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE)
Prague, Czech Republic, September 22–25, 2010
Abstracts : Lebl, J. Horm Res Paediatr 2010;74(Suppl.3):1-20 (DOI:10.1159/000321348)
Article (PDF 5662 KB)
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Pregled radova autora iz Srbije
P2-d1-408 Endocrine Oncology
Gonadal function after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: 15 years experience of the single center (1993-2009)
Dragan Zdravkovic1; Dragana Vujic2; Katarina Sedlecki3;
Sladjana Todorovic1; Katarina Mitrovic1; Svetlana Perovic3;
Zoran Stankovic3; Ilijana Mazibrada3; Dragana Jevtic2; Zeljko Zecevic2;
Tatjana Milenkovic1; Jelena Bokun4
1Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare of Serbia, Endocrinology,
Belgrade, Serbia; 2Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare of Serbia,
Oncology, Belgrade, Serbia; 3Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare
of Serbia, Gynecology, Belgrade, Serbia; 4Institut of Oncology and
Radiology of Serbia, Radiotherapy, Belgrade, Serbia
p 124
P2-d3-769 Fat Metabolism, Obesity
First experiences og the Cigotica programme
Snezana Lesovic1; Nenad Crncevic2; Rada Petrovic3
1The Special Hospital Cigota, Pediatrics, Zlatibor, Serbia; 2The
Special Hospital Zlatibor, Pediatrics, Zlatibor, Serbia; 3Medical Center,
Pediatrics, Cacak, Serbia
p 229
P2-d3-770 Fat Metabolism, Obesity
Potential determinants of obesity among adolescents in Serbia: results from a prospective JUSAD study
Bratimirka Jelenkovic1; Brankica Vasic2; Milija Vukotic3;
Ivana Novakovic4; Milena Radicev5
1Children’s Ward of the HC, Zajecar, Serbia; 2HC Zajecar, Children’s
Outpatient Hospital, Zajecar, Serbia; 3Institute for Profesional
Advancement, , Belgrade, Serbia; 4Institute of Biology, School of
Medicine Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia; 5Statistics Office of the Republic
of Serbia, , Belgrade, Serbia
p 229
P2-d3-771 Fat Metabolism, Obesity
Clustering of cardiovascular disease risk factors among adolescents in Serbia: results from a prospective JUSAD study
Bratimirka Jelenkovic1; Brankica Vasic2; Milija Vukotic3;
Ivana Novakovic4; Milena Radicev5
1Children’s Ward of the HC Zajecar, Zajecar, Serbia; 2Children’s
Dispansary of the HC Zajecar, Zajecar, Serbia; 3Institute for
Professional Advancement Belgrade, , Belgrade, Serbia; 4Institute of
Biology, School of Medicine Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia; 5Statistical
Office, Berlgrade, Serbia
p 230
Pozdrav iz Praga
Eduardo A. Chaler;Servicio de Endocrinologia, Hospital de Pediatria Garrahan, Buenos Aires, Argentina
mr sci med Snežana Lešović, pedijatar;Načelnik Centra za prevenciju i lečenje gojaznosti kod dece i adolescenata,Specijalna bolnica"Čigota", Srbija
Prim mr sci med dr Bratimirka Jelenković, pedijatar-endokrinolog. Pedijatrijska služba, ZC Zaječar, Srbija
Hugo L Fideleff MD PhD.Chief Endocrinology Unit. Hospital T Alvarez.Principal Investigator Government City of Buenos Aires
Prim mr sci med dr Bratimirka Jelenković, pedijatar-endokrinolog.Pedijatrijska služba,
ZC Zaječar, Srbija
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